About Me

Born and raised in Miami, FL, I first came to Rome after high school in the summer of 2010 to attend Berry College as a Gate of Opportunity scholar, studying chemistry. While I was in college I would help friends that had hurt themselves  either through accidents or working out in the gym or were stressed out by exams or whatever else was going on in their lives at the time. Several friends told me I should go to school to be a masseur but I ignored them at the time as I was focused on lab work. I graduated from Berry in December of 2013 and moved to Columbia, SC where my family had relocated and ended up working for the SC health department as a chemist. While in SC, I trained in Danzan Ryu Jiujutsu, also learning the style’s healing arts and found my love of helping people again. In a weird twist of fate, I ended up losing a large part of my vision a few months later and was forced to leave the lab. That was when I enrolled in the clinical Massage therapy program at Southeastern Institute in Columbia, completing the program in September of 2017. In July of 2018, my wife getting a job at the Georgia School for the Deaf brought me back to Rome, where I’m looking forward to becoming a member of the healthcare community and  helping the people  the area live the best lives they can.